Where friendship comes easy and achievement is hard earned
Cost per person
FROM R1800pp
3 days


-Where friendship comes easy and achievement is hard earned-

Amount of days : 3 days

Cost per person: R1800 (R600pp/day)



5 day camp for (all ages 10-17years)

Monday 28 March to Friday 1 April



5day camp for 12-15yrs

5day camp for 16-18yrs


SPRING CAMP                                (SCHOOL HOLIDAY)

5 day camp for (all ages/children/teens)


SUMMER CAMP                             (SCHOOL HOLIDAY)

5day camp for 12-15yrs

5day camp for 16-18yrs


Through this course the participants will go on a journey of self discovery and learning to work in a team setting. They will build new friendships and bonds during the course. The course will be journey based and the participants will travel by hiking, canoeing, rock climbing and kayaking on a circular route through the beautiful natural environment.

During the course they will learn to rely on themselves and their team-members in order to survive in an environment that they are unfamiliar with. They will learn map work and navigational skills which they will have apply in order to get themselves from one camp to another. During the course, the outdoors will be their classroom. Come rain or shine, our programmes will continue as this teaches the participants that life does not stop when things get challenging. During our course the participants learn to cope in difficult situations.

A highlight of these courses is the time spent travelling along the water. Strategically packing everything they need into small compartments on a kayak provides a challenge of planning, patient, creative thinking and team work. Once on the water they will brave the wind and the currents to push themselves to reach their destination. Splashing and laughter will motivate them through this journey.

Participants will be given the opportunity to push themselves through attempting various high rope activities, abseiling and rock climbing. These provide practical experiences of facing their fears and proving to themselves that they can achieve more than they had previously thought. Participants will also motivate each another and learn how they can be supportive physically and emotionally to others.

The groups will be taught about nature conservation issues in the area and have a change to participate in alien plant removal as a way of giving back to the natural environment they will be enjoying over the course.

An important part of any Outward Bound course is time spent alone in nature. Participants will be placed in an outdoor area where they can reflect on what they have learnt from the course and spend some time thinking introspectively. This quiet time will allow then to take in the smells, sounds and feelings of nature and embrace the simple joy of watching the clouds go by or looking for shooting stars.


  • 3 meals/rations a day as well as snacks in between
  • Accommodation
  • Gear
  • World class Qualified and experienced instructors with international safety standards to supervise and guide the participants.
  • Certificates and individual assessments